
Our clients have exposed problems and paved the way for change, 因此,医疗保健对我们所有人来说都更安全、更好.

  • 更换医院氧气罐的配件
  • 对药物管理进行三重检查
  • 清除危险医生
  • 移除危险护士
  • Availability of Heart and Fetal Monitoring Strips to be read at the nurses’ station​
  • 术后ICU心电图
  • 重症监护室的医生
  • Monitoring of carbon dioxide to tell if an intubation tube is correctly placed​
  • Neonatal resuscitation protocol to properly resuscitate newborns
  • 医生退休的时间到了
  • 增加协议的标准化
  • 已经确定了严重的安全事件
  • 关键的清单
  • 减少用药错误
  • 员工护理水平
  • 胸痛的检查和心电图
  • 分类的协议
  • 胎儿监测
  • 房子军官
  • 每4小时进行一次生命体征检查
  • 监控单元
  • 海绵计数
  • 消除鬼影手术
  • 通过麻醉限制多个房间的覆盖
  • 现在报告并发症发生率
  • 减少错误部位手术
  • 减少保留仪器
  • 减少放错位置的NG/OG


When medical negligence occurs, the first thing patients and their families want is answers. Unfortunately, the first thing hospitals and doctors want is protection. The result is people suffer a tragic outcome and don’t know why. Not knowing can fester and last for years or a lifetime.

我们接手的案子, the number one job for our medical malpractice lawyer is to find out what happened and why. 大多数时候, there is no negligence; the person or family understands what happened; and they can move foreward without any cost to them.

有时, we find there were errors made that would have prevented the outcome. 在这些情况下, our clients get a firm understanding of what happened; why it happened; and we proceed to hold the responsible accountable.


We have represented clients in 55 of the 88 counties in the State of 全球十大赌钱排行app and states stretching from California to New Jersey. There are few health care systems with which we have not had experience. Likewise, we have faced nearly every major medical negligence insurance carrier.

不管辩护, our philosophy on every case is to prepare the case from the beginning for trial. 通过为审判做准备, we shift risk to the defense and most times obtain a resolution of the matter prior to trial.

有时, the defense chooses trial and being prepared has historically given our clients a well above average success rate in those cases. ​ ​
我们一向为客户保密. 这阻止了我们分享具体的结果.

If you would like to know more about where we stand on accountability, click here to be taken to our youtube channel to view a video which encompases the topic.


  • Why wouldn’t the resident call the doctor when they found blood?​
  • 他们为什么把我爸绑在二氧化碳上而不是氧气上?
  • Why did the doctor lose the records after my cancer was discovered?​
  • Why would they tell me there was no lump when I could feel it?
  • Why wouldn’t anyone respond when my baby stopped breathing?
  • 他们为什么要给我爸开错药?
  • 为什么他们没有医生在重症监护室过夜?
  • Why wouldn’t the hospital tell me the surgeon had such a high complication rate?
  • 我爸爸怎么会在重症监护室失血过多而死?
  • Why would they have only one doctor for 180 patients overnight?
  • Why wouldn’t they call an infectious disease doctor when I was infected?
  • Why would they tell me it’s all in my head when they left a towel in stomach?
  • How was I able to walk into the hospital to have my baby and end up paralyzed?
  • How did we end up with a brain damaged baby when everything looked fine for all 40 weeks before birth?


  • Living my life without knowing would have been like eating dinner with a fly in the room. 这将困扰我的余生.
  • I needed to hold the hospital accountable so I could get on with my life.​
  • 阅读证词, 查看记录, 听取专家意见, 让他们负起责任, 我能够克服我的痛苦,把它放下.​
  • Once I heard the expert admit my husband was the victim of medical negligence, 我可以放下内疚,继续生活.
  • My anger would not leave until we held them accountable.​
  • My mom’s depression is improving because she knows why dad died.
  • I was stuck in depression until I went forward with my case.