
We might be able to help when the negligence of a prescribing doctor, 药剂师, or nurse results in an adverse reaction to a drug that could cause serious injury or death. 我们可以找出发生了什么, 为什么会这样?, and hold them responsible for their medical malpractice.

Healthcare professionals must take certain steps to prevent patients from receiving the wrong dose or the wrong drug. 当他们做不到的时候, you may be entitled to damages for the injuries or loss you or a loved one suffered.

What Are the Different Types of 用药错误?

There are a few reasons for medication injuries. 这些是最常见的.


If the doctor prescribes the wrong dose, or if the 药剂师 makes a mistake when preparing an injection or an IV, then the patient can suffer from dangerous side effects. In extreme cases, it can lead to wrongful death.


Doctors must get sufficient background information from their patients to learn their existing allergies, 目前的药物治疗, 整体健康状况. Doctors and 药剂师s are also trained to identify potential drug interactions before prescribing or dispensing medication to a patient. Some medications have adverse side effects when taken together or can even cause death. Healthcare professionals are expected not to prescribe or dispense medications that could have serious reactions to other medications.


When prescription medications get mixed up or are mislabeled, 它们可以包含错误, 有害化学物质. Pharmacy is a very precise field based on evidence and knowledge of biochemistry, and healthcare professionals are entrusted with ensuring the right chemical mixtures get to their patients. 当药物被错误识别时, 使用说明错误, or the medication comes with insufficient warnings, they can lead to suffering or even wrongful death.

Failing To Administer Dose At Proper Time

Medications that are prescribed but not administered 及时地 也会影响病人的健康吗. Even if the healthcare professional is administering a drug prescribed to the patient, administering it at the wrong time can result in too much of the medication in the patient’s body at one time. 胰岛素就是一个例子, which is prescribed to many patients who can use it for years without problems. But it can be dangerous when administered at the wrong time.



The types of damages that you may be entitled to if a medication error has injured you are:

  • 工资损失
  • 额外医疗费用
  • 痛苦和折磨

Gathering the medical records that document your injuries is necessary for your personal injury case. You will need to provide copies of any medical bills you received.

You do not have to fight your case alone. If you have been injured or if a major medication error killed a loved one, 我们富有同情心的团队 凯西伤害法 will listen to you and will want to hear the details of your personal injury case.

